Mr. Wheeler's Art Class

Visual Arts
I am an alumnus of Piketon High School and have been given the privilege of being employed at Scioto Valley Local School District as the high school Visual Art Teacher. My goal is not only to educate students in visual arts, but to interest them in future careers within the arts via art education, digital media, graphic design, architecture, and many other possible careers. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via e-mail and/or Facebook. My E-Mail address is .
Would you like to view our students' artworks? I have created a facebook page for you to view them. Follow our page on Facebook: "Piketon High School Art". If you don't have Facebook, you can still view the page. Click the link in the right hand column. This is the BEST place to keep up with our High School Visual Arts Studio! Our art studio and classes are wanting to keep you connected with the excellent projects being created by your PHS students! Compliments to students artworks can be emailed to the address above or posted on the FB page, I will ensure they are given to the students. Students follow the likes, comments, and appreciate your encouragement as well as your recognition of their efforts and hard work. Our older classroom postings are still availble to access on Artsonia. However, all future postings will be through the FB page. Also posted, will be the links to view our younger artists' artworks in elementary and junior high. Mrs. Samantha Walls, teaching grades K-5 visual arts, and Mrs. Pettit, teaching 6th grade visual arts. Mrs. Wall's artworks can be viewed on Artsonia, and Mrs. Pettit's can be viewed on her classroom facebook page. All links are posted in the right hand column. Their abilties to cultivate creativity at such young ages are testaments to their educational excellence. You will be amazed at what their students are creating!
Traditionally, the PHS Art Show will be scheduled for mid to late April or early May. It will fall on the same date as the PHS Honors Banquet to allow parent and student attendees to view the show. The public dates will be announced later this school year.
Follow us and enjoy!
-Mr. Wheeler
1st: 8:00-8:46 ART II, III, IV, V
2nd: 8:49-9:32 ART I
3rd: 9:36-10:19 CONFERENCE
4th: 10:22-11:05 ART II, III, IV, V
5th: 11:08-11:38 LUNCH
6th: 11:41-12:24 ART II, III, IV, V
7th: 12:27-1:10 ART I
4th: 1:14-1:57 ART II, III, IV, V
RISE 2:00-2:33 R.I.S.E ART (III, IV, V)
1st Nine Weeks:
Illustration Training Unit
2nd Nine Weeks:
Color Theory/ Acrylic Paint Training Unit
3rd Nine Weeks:
3-D Design Training Unit
4th Nine Weeks:
Comprehensive Medium(s) Training Unit and Art Show Preparation.
Classroom FACEBOOK page link below: The page is open to the public. If you don't have facebook, you can still view the page. If you do have facebook, please follow, like, share, and tag those you wish to see the artworks! Also posted are the links to Mrs. Walls K-5 Artworks, and Mrs. Pettit's 6th grade artworks.
Facebook: Piketon High School Art
Piketon High School Artsonia Page(Archived- No longer in use, but can still be viewed)