Miss Cook's English Class

Class Schedule:
1st period: CP English IV
2nd period: Conference/Plan
3rd period: AP English II
4th period: Lunch
5th period: Lunch Duty
6th period: CP English II
7th period: Broadcast News
8th period: CP English II
RISE period
Social Media
Follow Room 138!!
Twitter: @EnglishRM138
Facebook: Cook's English Class
YouTube: Click on the icon below
InfOhio provides a variety of credible sources from various research databases appropriate for grades 9-12.
A credible online encyclopedia with many free articles that are helpful when researching.
Search multiple encyclopedias and dictionaries at once.

EasyBib is a website designed to help you format citations for a works cited page.
Purdue University is well known for its Online Writing Lab that offers up-to-date information about how to format, cite, and write a research paper and more.
OWL Podcasts/Tutorials
This takes you to the OWL's YouTube page which features tutorials demonstrating everything from MLA formatting to grammar and mechanics.
The Writing Process
The OWL details the different stages of the writing process to help you get started writing and know where you are heading.
Mechanics in Writing
OWL explains the mechanics of writing including how to determine what facts to present first and last in a paper, sentence clarity, sentence fragments, transitions, and much more.
OWL explains the use of basic punctuation, commas, hyphens, quotation marks, apostrophes, independent and dependent clauses and more.
OWL explains the basic grammatical structures needed including subject/verb agreement, verb tense, and more.
Writing in Literature
OWL provides information about literary terms, literary theory, how to write about fiction, poetry, and more.
Research and Citation Resources
OWL provides information about how to conduct research, use research, and cite it.
Creative Writing
Information about creative writing including the basics, how to create characters, visuals, and more.
MLA Format Guide
This link takes you right to the OWL page dedicated to the formatting of MLA papers where you can find out how to write in-text citations, works cited pages, see a sample paper and more.
APA Format Guide
This link takes your straight to the OWL's APA format guide page where you will find how to write APA in-text citations, works cited pages, see sample papers and more.
Academic Writing
OWL describes how to write for an academic purpose so you can better understand what I expect of you.
Undergraduate Admissions
OWL gives advice and resources for apply for college admissions.