Scioto Valley Local Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Piketon High School
1414 Piketon Road, Piketon, Ohio 45661
January 9, 2024 – 6:30 p.m.
I. Roll Call
II. Student Achievement Awards – Mrs. Lamerson
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Concerns
V. Personnel Concerns (PSEA/OAPSE)
VI. Executive Session
VII. Adopt Agenda
VIII. Treasurer Reports by consent:
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Approve financial reports
3. Approve payment of bills
4.Accept a $473.29 donation from IOOF for use by the athletic department
IX. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations 1 through 2 by consent:
1. Approve student transportation contract
2. Approve additions to the teacher substitute list
3. Reports of Building Principals
a. Student/Staff recognition
b. Education/Curriculum Report
c. Facilities and Transportation Reports
X. New Business:
1. Items for Board discussion:
a. Discuss Zahns Corner Update
XI. Executive Session
XII. Adjourn
The meeting is being recorded so that an accurate representation of the entire meeting can be kept on file.